“Gagarin”: 06-03-20

March 06, 2020 02:37:10
“Gagarin”: 06-03-20
“Gagarin”: 06-03-20

Mar 06 2020 | 02:37:10


Show Notes

Boris Sollazzo e Tatiana Fabbrizio in diretta sui 106.6 di Radio Rock dal Lunedì al Venerdì. Podcast del 06 marzo 2020. Playlist five finger death punch - living the dream the doors - roadhouse blues the beatles - across the universe david bowie - let's dance beast coast - everything has changed amy winehouse - tears dry on their own pulp - disco 2000 caparezza - ti fa stare bene slotface - tap the pack depeche mode - personal jesus subsonica - nuova ossessione ozzy osbourne - it's a raid pink floyd - wish you were here the smiths - asleep the zen circus - canta che ti passa placebo - meds morrissey - love is on its way out marilyn manson - tourniquet danzig - mother strokes - bad decisions blink-182 - first date sepultura - roots bloody roots disturbed - down with the sickness brujeria - marijuana Archivio Podcast di Boris e Tatiana —-> clicca QUI.

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