“Gagarin”: 03-03-20

March 03, 2020 02:24:53
“Gagarin”: 03-03-20
“Gagarin”: 03-03-20

Mar 03 2020 | 02:24:53


Show Notes

Boris Sollazzo e Tatiana Fabbrizio in diretta sui 106.6 di Radio Rock dal Lunedì al Venerdì. Podcast del 03 marzo 2020. Playlist sports team - here's the thing placebo - loud like love afterhours - non si esce vivi dagli anni '80 ac/dc - back in black huntingtons - thank god for the bomb the smiths - bigmouth strikes again omd - enola gay pixies - here comes your man green day - meet me on the roof the cure - a forest big mountain county - far away echo and the bunnymen - the killing moon motorhead - ace of spades five finger death punch - living the dream diaframma - siberia simple mind - someone somewhere depeche mode - enjoy the silence sonic youth - teen age riot depeche mode - feel the pain blondie - heart of glass best coast - everything has changed guns n'roses - welcome to the jungle joy division - isolation nirvana - about a girl slotface - tap the pack ivano fossati - questi posti davanti al mare talking heads - once in a lifetime cccp - curami iron maiden - run to the hills Archivio Podcast di Boris e Tatiana —-> clicca QUI.

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