Gagarin: (10-03-21)

March 11, 2021 02:34:30
Gagarin: (10-03-21)
Gagarin: (10-03-21)

Mar 11 2021 | 02:34:30


Show Notes

Boris Sollazzo Tatiana Fabbrizio in diretta sui 106.6 di Radio Rock dal Lunedì al Venerdì dalle 10.00 alle 13.00. Podcast del 10 marzo 2021. Playlist: von datty - nervi kaiser chiefs - ruby foo fighters - my hero fantastic negrito - i'm so happy i cry offspring - let the bad times roll ac/dc - shoot to thrill alice in chains - would? aerosmith - i don't want to miss a thing dead poet society - .getawayfortheweekend. jimi hendrix - the wind cries mary nothing but thieves - real love song caparezza - eroe (storia di luigi delle bicocche) faith no more - superhero paul weller - cosmic fringes il pan del diavolo - supereroi verve - bitter sweet symphony bob dylan - hurricane pretty reckless - only love can save me now (feat. matt cameron & kim thayil) royal blood - typhoons metallica - hero of the day meganoidi - supereroi dinosaur jr. - i run away prince - batdance guns n' roses - sweet child o'mine elio e le storie tese - shpalman david bowie - heroes Archivio Podcast di Boris e Tatiana —-> clicca QUI.

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